Previous conferences
The Journal has hosted regular international conferences since 1996. A selection of conference papers are published in the Journal, along with some videos of presentations.
- 2024 Essex University, UK and online 'Crossing Borders:Clinical, Theoretical, Cultural and Political Implications in our Changing World'.
- 2021 São Paulo, Brazil and online 'Civilisation in Transition: Clinical, Social and Academic Perspectives’. Papers published February and April 2022 issues (vol.67 no.1 and vol.67 no.2)
- 2019 London, UK 'Displacement - Contemporary Traumatic Experience’. Papers from this conference, as well as other papers related to this theme, were published in our April 2020 issue (vol.65 no.2)
- 2017 New York, USA 'Dissociation: Trauma and the Self'. Papers from this conference were published in the September and November 2017 issues (vol.62 No.4 and vol.62 no.5)
- 2015 London, UK 'Reflections on Jungian Clinical Practice: from Then till Now (1955-2015)'. A conference to celebrate the journal’s 60th anniversary. Papers from this conference have been published in the September 2015 issue (vol.60 no.4)
- 2014 Berlin, Germany ‘Varieties of Jungian Clinical Experience: Complex, Identity, Intersubjectivity’. Visit the the Berlin conference page for videos of talks by Professor Andrew Samuels, Professor Verena Last, Sue Austin and Dr Hessel Willemsen
- 2013 Boston, USA ‘Attachment and Intersubjectivity’
- 2010 St Petersburg, Russia ‘The Ancestors in Personal, Professional and Social History’
- 2009 San Francisco, USA ‘The Transcendent Function Today: Analysis, Imagination and Psychic Transformation’
- 2008 Lake Orta, Italy, ‘Tradition and Creativity: Reframing Analysis for a Changing World’
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash