We congratulate Leigh Money on winning the Michael Fordham Prize 2024 with her beautifully written paper “Labels and the Self: Identity Labels as Scaffold”, published in June 2023, 68(3) 590–609. This paper includes impressive clinical material and takes a positive and symbolic stance towards self-assigned labels such as “neurodiverse”, “genderfluid”, “sex-positive”, “ADHD”, and “highly-sensitive”. By using scaffolding as a metaphor for allowing growth or development to take place (or compensate for its absence), Leigh shows the phenomenon of self-labelling as fulfilling different functions. The paper is available as free access on the JAP website www.thejap.org or here in the Wiley online library. 

Leigh Money will present her paper as part of the Journal’s “Meeting the Author” webinar series on September 28th, 2024.

The Michael Fordham Prize is awarded annually to the author demonstrating the most creative and original approach to clinical analytic thinking in a paper published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology in the preceding year. More information on the prize is available here on the Journal’s website: www.thejap.org


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