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May 15, 2018

Martin Stone introduces the JAP Special Edition on the 'Who is my Jung?' Conference, originally held in November 2017. This Special Edition of the Journal, published in June 2018, includes all but one of the papers from this very successful conference. Martin gives an introduction, a brief history of the conference and an outline of the edition - click here for his video.

Feb 5, 2018

Stefan Gullatz and Matt Gildersleeve offer some background to their paper in the February 2018 edition and suggest some unmissable videos for anyone interested in the field.

To elaborate a little on the context of this paper: Matt Gildersleeve from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, approached me in 2016 with a suggestion to co-operate on a paper on Jung and Lacan. As we had both previously published in the same area - a bifocal view of Jungian and Lacanian theory - I soon warmed to the idea ...

Jan 22, 2018

The paper I’ve written on the somatic countertransference took many years to take shape. It was written several years after the analytic work ended but I had carried the notes with me as I retired from clinical practice and relocated. Why we can’t yet understand a patient’s communication is a vital question for clinicians and why we can, eventually, in a kind of Kairos moment, finally ‘get it’ is also interesting.


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